Thursday, November 8, 2012

Baby Lucas

I always thought 3&4-D pictures of baby ultra sounds were a little creepy, until I saw MY baby :) Here is Lucas in all his chubbiness. The Dr. said he is going to be a big boy. He is measuring about 6 lbs right now. I guess those late night cookies and creme shakes have worked nicely in his favor.

 I like this one it looks like he is laughing... or smelling some stank on his fingers


Elizabeth said...

CUTE! I think he looks just like his brothers in the 2nd picture!!!

Isaura said...

Omygoooodness!!! Such chubby cuteness. Miss you guys. Tell Brody I'm still waiting for him to give me an answer on trading a Lego set for Lucas ;)

Isaura said...

Omygoooodness!!! Such chubby cuteness. Miss you guys. Tell Brody I'm still waiting for him to give me an answer on trading a Lego set for Lucas ;)

lidia said...

Poor little guy, I think he is saying "help ! get me out of here I am getting to big for this space!" He is a cute little baby...
or maybe he just feels cozy in there.. Well we will soon be able to hold you

Lauren said...


Nana said...

Chubba Bubba Lucas is ADORABLE!!!

Nana said...

Papa said..."He is his brothers!"

Izzy said...

Baby Lucas! We are ready for you to love and cuddle you!!!!! WE CAN"T WAIT!!!


Uncle Steve, fav Tia Izzy, Isaac and Maile ♥♥♥♥