Friday, May 23, 2008

Crib time

Brody loves his mobile and talks to it, but he saw the camera and got shy

Brody just woke up from his nap so he is a little out of it


Izzy said...

Brody is soooooooo sweet!!! I have been checking everyday for new pictures and I am glad they have finally arrived....I know I am obsessed.

Glad to see you got your nails did for the camera. You deserve it you beautiful little mommy!

I can't wait for you all the visit!

Love you - Izzy


it was nails by yvette

lidia said...

I am going to contract Yvette's Nail salon to do mine.....Brody is so sweet.... I just want to kiss his cute legs........He is so sweet I like his cooing and leg kicking.......

Elizabeth said...

I know you mean well by posting the videos but in all actuality it's torturing me...he's SO cute!

(even though it's torture...please keep posting videos and pictures)

I would love to know what is going through his mind in the second video...Steven and I were acting out what he might be saying if he could talk during the video.

Isaura said...

ohhhhhhhhhh my bro bro's he's so cute.
i got his message this morning, i was actually out walking my big butt.
i watched juno today and paulie bleeker reminds me of marc